16 Dec 2015

COST External Expert to act as Independent Evaluator

I’ve been, since February 2014, actively participating in the European COST network, first in the COST Action IS1007 - "Investigating cultural sustainability", and now the COST Action IFP1405 - "Active and intelligent (fiber-based) packaging - Innovation and market introduction [ActInPak] "; I was recently invited to be "External Expert Evaluator" for the area of Design [Visual Arts].

9 Dec 2015

COST IS 1007 Action "Investigating Cultural Sustainability" final report and results

This is the Portuguese research group actively engaged in the COST IS 1007 Action "Investigating Cultural Sustainability". Today the final report “Culture in, for and Sustainable Development” and results were presented by Nancy Duxbury, one the COST Action proponents. In the presence of Maria Teresa Martins, COST National Coordinator, of Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia [FCT]. The session was chaired, by Raquel Freitas, whereas Claudia Brites, Elisabete Tomás, and myself, we were invited to share our personal experiences within this COST action. I’m pleased to announce that a copy of the report will be offered to the libraries of the following universities: to IADE, Europeia e Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade de Lisboa. For more information, or to download the report PDF, please see: http://www.culturalsustainability.eu/


2 Dec 2015

Fanzines at Ler Devagar — an exhibition from IADE's Communication Design students

An exhibition that brought together around 150 students from Communication Design.

Local: Galeria Ler Devagar, no Lx Factory (Lisboa)
Data: 2 a 12 de dezembro
Horário: Entre as 12h00 e as 2h00
Preço: Entrada gratuita

Uma fanzine - uma combinação entre as palavras "fan" e magazine", que significam fã e revista, em inglês - é uma publicação não profissional, independente e com uma exploração criativa sobre um tema particular de um fenómeno cultural. E foi exatamente esse o desafio académico proposto a cerca de 150 alunos de cinco turmas de Design de Comunicação do IADE - Creative University: criarem revistas com conteúdos inéditos que vão agora ser apresentadas na Galeria Ler Devagar, na Lx Factory, em Lisboa.

O projeto de Design Editorial tem como objetivo levar o talento do IADE fora de portas e proporcionar aos alunos uma oportunidade de apresentarem o seu trabalho em ambiente real. As fanzines vão estar expostas até dia 12 de dezembro, entre as 12h00 e as 2h00, e a entrada é gratuita. A inauguração acontece hoje, dia 2 de dezembro, às 18h00, e conta com a presença de Carlos Rosa, vice-reitor do IADE, e de vários docentes da instituição, estando agendado um concerto de jazz e soul protagonizado por dois pianistas alunos do instituto universitário.


17 Nov 2015

COST Action FP1405 2sd Meeting — Utrecht

Under the theme — «Science meets industry — How to gain a successful market implementation of active and intelligent packaging?»

COST FP1405 ActInPak WG2+4 working session
Welcome by Chair and host of the meeting Introduction (interactive) to COST FP1405 ActInPak Introduction to afternoon program
Business speed dates session 1
Pitches by designers (alumni ArtEZ) on future designs in active and intelligent packaging
Business speed dates session 2
Interactive wrap up, by WG2+4 leaders
AIPIA welcome reception ‘industry meets science’ 

Very challenging and fruitful programme :-)

5 Nov 2015

Third CIAUD’s Research Seminar

I presented my Post Doctoral Research to Professors Jorge Frascara and Emilio Gil. It was very interesting and mostly rewarding to hear their comments on my work.


With my PhD supervisor
Professor Marcus Ormerod :-)

6 Oct 2015

Paper presented at Senses and Sensibility 2015

I presented a paper titled “The sustainable indicators in Communication Design”.

With dear Professor Juan Costa :-)

Paper publishes at Senses and Sensibility 2015

I published a paper titled “The sustainable indicators in Communication Design”, at the conference proceedings book.
Site: http://www.iade.pt/unidcom/senses2015/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Senses-Sensibility15-1555108514760696/?fref=ts

5 Oct 2015

Conference Senses & Sensibility 2015 Identity

I worked with an extremely gifted group of students for the concept, identity, brand and merchandising, of IADE’s Conference Senses & Sensibility 2015. I am extremely proud of their work and above all their resilience and commitment, throughout the project that lasted from June until October ! :-)

Maria Cadarso (Art Direction)
Mariana Queiroga (leading the work)
José Alvarez (leading the work)
Bruno Veiga
Gonçalo Gameiro
Miguel Athayde de Tavares
Pedro Pereira
Ruben Martins

The most resilient ones !
The programme
Follow the boats until your room!

The roll up

The staff

16 Sept 2015

IADE’s Open Day 16

My students won the very fist challenge, right in the Open Day :-)